Life has this verrry strange way of mocking at u, hai na ? When you feel, you are this okay and happy, something happens which totally turns the tide back and lands u flush on the floor all ends up.
Someone suggested jokingly today, "Suicide", and that set something off inside me, i admitted then and there that i aint so courageous as to die with pain, but if someone could, u know, put me to a sleeping death, i would take the offer without a second thought.
And that brings me to the core reason for this stark post, why does life mock u so much. To be frank to u, mah bloggy :), since my 3rd year of engg., all i have wished for is to get over with my life. I havent wished for a single second, dat it be otherwise, because each time i wish for a dream, a happiness, life tells me, "fuck u", "get lost", "u dont deserve this", so now, u know, I am better than a bovine atleast at conditioned learning :)).
But, Kismet's strange ways na ! it doesnt grant u wat u wish most, wat u have wanted most for so long in ur damned life :).
Ab aur likhne ka mood nahin ho much sadness is enuff for 2day i guess :).
Meet ya !
u know wat ranjan ? whenever i feel like to get Refreshed by Feeling Good, i come to Your bloggy :)Its one of my Best bloggies...nd i m sure thr r many like me in this Big world.So...i've a request to u (not an advice or anything else), whenever u feel sad, plz do think of ppl like us..whom u Make Happy ,this World is SO much better for us coz of U..nd all our Best wishes r with u Always .So... Cheers !! :)and Do come up with more nd more posts in ur bloggy :)
ReplyDeleteTo reshma : Don't worry :), I am a vastly different person now :), this post is like one from the archives .. so am gonna stick arnd :D