Hi blogman :-)
Mah is back...me cs u havent got any comments for me...but then this was expected hai na :p ? anyways, u dont lose heart and all, u get losers sometimes too...
So, now dat i have set the tone...here goes...at my college...i have these 2 ppl...a grrl and a guy...i made good frnds wid...we had loads of fun together :-)...now this femme is really good-looking and this guy could be a model, so u know...so i guess the next step is verry obvious :-) but again i couldnt see it coming as is always the case wid me when i miss trucks crossing into my lane :p. So, I innocently asked both of them for accompaniment to the canteen and both of them cited prior dinner committments and later I found out dat out of sheer coincidence u know they had dinner commitments wid "only" each other u know :p. This happens anyways, but would have really liked to be treated for once like a human, but anyways i will start my rollback plan now :-) which consists of getting out of the lovebirds' life...and i will tell u this, u ever need a rollback urself, u know whr u would find The Expert .
In my IGP class today ma'm talked about how we carry about the impressions of the ways our parent interact with each other and then they manifest themselves in our behavior towards similar stimuli. She asked us to write down incidents about how a parent-figure had treated us when we were hurt, fell ill or achieved something. And for once, I was at total loss u know because i had no such memories, all i remember is drab hostel hospital centre when i fell ill, my hostel walls to talk to when i failed or succeeded...
U know how i made my decision to goto hostel ? I saw my mom and dad fighting day-in and day-out, they bicker even now too :(( and all i had to me was me and more of me; so i thought better run away, but then i dint know whr to ? So, i chose the tuffer way to break stuff and force myself into the Naughty category and sent to hostel...its fearful to see how manipulative I had become even when I was a 6 yrs old :p but then life teaches u so much daily u know :-).
Hope U never learn it this way.
Take care.
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