I wrote this one in my IIT days, sometime when I was deep down into the dumps :(...

Here goes !

Falling into an abyss
someone calls out to you
Did you stop ?

Was that a voice in harness in pain or in joy ????
Was that a shaft of flash
Or was it just darkness
gleaming its fangs ?

Did you ever surmise
if the pain could stop ?
Cavernous cadaverous plains
giving out to lush , deep founts .

Did you ever find out
if this quagmire of routine
you use to demean "life"
has doors to sunlight ??

When you jounced off the protrusions
did it HURT ?
Or had the numbness already taken over ?
Did you find the promised land
or was it a mirage all over again ??

Did someone send you over the precipice ?
Or was it just another step in the shadows ?
When you slipped off the edge
Did a hand reach out to you ?
Or as luck would have it
Two appeared to give the final shove .

When falling into the abyss
The only hoping against hope is
YOU never break your fall ......


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Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
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