Hi !

I am posting this at 2 AM in the night because I got so much disturbed by what I read just now !

By now, most of you folks out there must have heard of IIPM, Mr. Gaurav Sabnis, and Rashmi Bansal. If you haven't in a Nut Shell, JAMMAG, a popular MBA magazine by Rashmi, an IIM-A alumnus, carried out a report evaluating the various B-schools present in India. She rightly went out to point the fake advertisements carried out by IIPM [Yes, the Arindam Chaudhari School, who recently delved into Movie Production of all things and came up with the maha-absymal Rok Sako Toh Rakh Loh, which is soo bad, that even me couldn't watch it after the first 20 minutes]. Following Rashmi's take on IIPM, her blog was splogged by IIPM activists [U should see the posts to know what I mean], but thankfully she din't budge and stood up to what she had said.

To just illustrate how stinking IIPM's campaigns are :

[By Hanoz, a current PGP-1 at IIM-Ahmedabad]

I have been born and brought up in Ahmedabad and when i saw the IIPM ads for the first time and saw IIPM ahmedabad (magnificient towers, et al) i wondered where it is and if it's so big and state-of-art with 7th-wonder-of-the-worldish architecture, how come I never noticed it.

I got to know about it accidentally one day....IIPM Ahmedabad is situated in Hollywood! (A large slum area quite close to IIM-A) and it's a dingy li'l building (4-6 storey) regular commercial complex with glass !!!
Its called IIPM tower and a uniformed chowkidaar is seated down there.

on further inquiry I found out that only 2 floors were owned by IIPM and they had paid some amt. to have the name hanging from the building! A cramped li'l place with absolutely no infra and located in a stinking area all conveniently washed out and replaced with a nice background using [Adobe] photoshop for the advertisements!

Just thought that this might be interesting for the junta to know !!

So, before IIPM goes all hollering at Rashmi or anybody else, they should look down their own horses, which crossed all limits of decency today.

Well, now talking of Gaurav, he carried a post linking to the JAMMAG story and was harrassed in numerous ways. First, he was served a LEGAL NOTICE [Yes !!] by IIPM's legal department and splogged as well. But, then, when this didn't work, IIPM pioneered Educational Militantism and threatened Gaurav's employers' IBM that all the IIPM students will burn their IBM Thinkpads before IBM's Delhi HQ, if Gaurav didn't remove his posts.

And guess what Gaurav did ? He resigned today. I feel really stupid now. All Gaurav had done was exercised his Freedom of Speech now and asked for Arindam C's credentials [which I doubt now as well, agar hain, toh why is he so afraid of showing them ? Remember Rajiv Gandhi's disparagement about his degree from Cambridge, which was resolved a year back ?]...

My sympathies with Gaurav, and Arindam C...U might have sold a hazaar books, but you sure have forgotten to be decent and humane.

A very pained :(

Update 1: Online Petition has been created to protest against IIPM. Please sign the petition and tell these guys to take their trash elsewhere.

Update 2: BlogWorld has actively taken up the gauntlet against IIPM and let it be known, that We won't be cowed by some idiotic sploggers who dare curtail our freedom of speech. Attached below is a list of Bloggers who have actively carried posts about the Issue (Thanx Kaps !).

Harini Calamur, Press Talk, Varun's Thoughtful Chaos, Srini, The Arbit Council, DesiPundit, Anshul, Charu, Patrix, Muthuvel, Thalassa Mikra, Jagan, Vijay Krishna, Vatsan, Mridula, Jo, Varna, Amrit Hallan, Ash, Shivam Vij, Swaroop, Jujitsu Mode, Uma, Abi, Toufeeq Hussain, Shub, Ranj, Shivam, Abhishek, Rajan, Havoc, Kaushik, Chandru, Alpha-Q, Mandar, Kaushal, Chenthil, Tony, Bonatellis, Apurv Pandit, Scudie, Press Talk - K, Sriyansa, Miss J, Neha, TablePost.Com, Chitthacharcha (Hindi), Sujatha, Hitchiker, Sowmya, Saket, Varun (Part 2), Press Talk (Part 2), Vijay Krishna (Part 2), Dhananjay, Sriram, The Comic Project, Curious Gawker, Jai Arjun Singh, Secular Right India, Jaya Jha, Navin, Sudhish Kamath, Ravikiran, Vinaya, Niket, George Thomas, Ajay Bhat, Jinal, Om Malik, Kitabkhana, Jagan (Part 2), BigBlogLog, Kamesh, Transmogrifier, Chernoff, Varun (Part 3), Hitanshu, Srikar, Rajkumar, Almost Useless, Falstaff, Sunil Laxman, Mercatus, Arzan, Nitin Pai, Veer Jain, Nupur Dave, Nirav, Jitendra Mohan, Mayank, Varnam, Soumyadip, Uma MD, Vishal, TTG, Chandru (Part 2), Angry Grad Student, Anantha Narayan, Pradyot, Amit Chaudhry, Sandesh, Dilip D'Souza, Chenthil (Part 2), MMK, Salman's Shirt, Bharat, Nikhil, Kaushik, Aditya Kuber, Icarus Prakash (Tamil), Infinite Circle, Ketan, Durga, Kamlesh Singh, Pankaj, Harish Kumar, Aparna, Ashish, Swarnasrikrishnan, Rachel, Shel Israel, Rahul, Kaushik and Bidisha, Srijith, Anand, I-Sight, Logical Thinking, Sakshi, Shivam Vij (Part 2), Gururajan, Dhananjay (Part 2), Bhagya, Kunal, Sandeep, Ramanand, Satish Vijaykumar, Ashwin BS, Flying Death, Vayanasala (Malayalam), Shivangi, Govar, Harini (Part 2), Shreyas Ghuge, Prufrock, Amit Chaudhry (Part 2), The Unknown Indian, Prasoon, Killer Bunty, Suhail Kazi, Elne, Abhishek, Ravi, Aishwarya, Ram Viswanathan, Curious Gawker (Part 2), Wanderstruck, Leela, Vishwanathan, The Bat, Scribbler (Part 2), Vaibhav, Weblogsky, Varna (Part 2), Divya, Sujith, Jroller, Madhoo, Sowmya (Part 2), Shoefiend, Varun (Part 4), Ash (Part 2), Ravikiran (Part 2), Veena, Salt Water Blues, Hyperorg, Ashutosh, India Blogs, Karthik, Arnold D'Souza, DesiTrain, Suds, Vijay Krishna (Part 3), Saurabh, Senthil, Arzan (Part 2), Uma (Part 2), Urmea, Kingsley, Sad Old Bong, Anshul, Rajesh, Lubu, Ravikumar, Neha (Part 2), Varun (Part 4), Anti, Instant Kaapi, Lazy Geek, Minorscale, Ferrari Prabhu, Emma, Kishore, Chenthil (Part 3), Aekta, Kashyapapeya, Sambhar Mafia !!

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So, now that my posts have turned into Email cribs :), here is continuing the series - what to do, my little Blog is the only expression mode left for individual consumers like me taking on beeg corporates. So, this is apropos my last post which can be read here.
Can't even tell you guys to stay off Airtel - every Telecom operator is as bad, I guess :) - pick your devil types !!! They have told me they will respond in 4 hours, will keep this updated :P !

From: Kant Ranjan

Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 12:12 PM

To: '121@airtel.in'

Subject: Complaint o
Heylo :),

First up, a bit of feel-good on being able to post so soon after my last post, *sigh* my average posting time had ballooned to months if not years - but the important thing is there is improvement, yesh !

Coming back to the topicz, as probably some of you would know, I am a die-hard (and
And so it happened ! After years of multitudes of closet prayers and trying to impress whoever and whatever with my techno-laden boring tweets and status updates, by the will of god - it happened ! With an amazing set of fortuitous circumstances (and yeah, they keep happening to me, good or bad !) s
Today got a call from a friend who has got this interview for a Product Manager position at Google and wanted to discuss a set of questions that Google guys had given him in advance to ponder and think about. The questions were the run-of-the-mill kinda around competitive strategy, improvements etc.
**EDIT**: This post started off as an only-iPad post but got delayed by 2 months ! And hence, including my newest acquisition as well - the Blackberry Torch 9800 (hope I post it soon :P) !

So, here I am hit by the iPadic (will that be a word anytime soon, no :-) ?) bug, typing another one of those

I am getting my iPad delivered soon (more about that later) - so before I get all taken by that ossum device, I wanted to take a minute to list down some of the apps I have got on my BB curve 8310, somehow making my lot with the woefully small 64 MB ROM (BB doesnt allow you to install apps on
So, as it happened BCG deemed good to send me on a 2-day training to Kuala Lumpur (Hey ! I am a okay enough employee, I guess :-)) and as is the norm, Tanya and I converted it into a weekend trip with 2 days in Langkawi and she doing the shopping on the training days in KL (so tough to plan, nahin :
Hey :) !

Its another one of those slow days and at random (nowadays my boss also seems to be falling for randomicity or "The Paradox of Choice" as pundits call it), my brain set it upon writing some truths about the consulting lifestyle - am sure, all of this has been said before and all that, but
*Edited to add later*: As a time-saver, if you are considering Corby Pro, skip it and buy the newly launched, much more ossum Nokia C6. Samsung sucks, period :).
Hi Guys,

How have ya been ? Sorry for my inordinate slumber yet again :), but in my defence, with the advent of facebook and tweeting.com, Blogger has been made absolutely obsolate.
Today, another one of my brow-beating projects got over at BCG - and at all such highly-anticipated but anticlimactic moments, it sets you on a quick journey of as Corrs say : What you gained and what you lost ! And, as one always recollects what is "missing" and "what sucks", I wanted to change tra
Hell, I am back :) - and isn't that the tuffest thing to do ! I so envy guys like Dan B, Stephanie M and even our dear domestic Champu, Mr. Bhagat (btw, did you read the 2 States - does it hold up ?).
Heylo :),

So it has happened, I got engaged today finally, and the fun part was, it is not "arranged" -- as had seemed imminent right through my teens and all that, my girl actually decided to get engaged to me on her own - Wow ! but, we will get back to that in a minute.
It was 4 AM or maybe 3 ... Pushpa as always had no clue and probably would never have ever again. As always, since Bubba broke the Rs.
Was I there ? Were you there ? Atleast you must have partaken some parts of those 60 marauding hours when atleast one country(-wo)man had his or her life flashing away in a moment ? Maybe you did, maybe you did not, but the urge to stand up and not keel over must have surged inside you making all ot
This post is a week-old in making :), but that's an improvement, won't you say :P ? Well, as consultants are wont to do -- lemme outline the three kool things about this write - up :):

- What does mee think about The Dark Knight ?

- Can Imraan dance Saala ?

- The love affair between a beauty and
Alloz again !!

Over the past two weeks, I have had the occassion to watch Sarkar Raaj, Aamir and The Happening ... a classic indie switched between almost two box office disasters, well I did say almost :-).
Alloz !

Somehow, with no apparent allusions, I have been kind of nervy with an illusory, impending doom lying hidden somewhere, ready to rear its monstrous head at a moment’s notice.
Holler !!!

Am backkkk - will try to stay, will be my only refrain :P. Life has been mostly as usual, job, masti, job again.
Heylo !

Have been trying to write from a long time now, but somehow, somehow it does not happen (ain't that the stroy with all of us :-) ?) - But then Taare Zameen Pe inspires and the least I could do was write about it !

I read on Rediff how Amir would be very hurt if TZP doesn't do well but than
"What man proposes - god disposes" - so goes the saying. As soon as Shahid and Kareena decided to hang the boots on their relationship, God decided to make Jab We Met ossum :).
As has become the norm with festivities, The Big Indian Consumer gets pelted with choices by every MNC worth its salt - and though, still a pretty much indigenious industry, Bollywood has left no stops barred to corner its share of the pie in the form of Saawariya, the SLB omnibus and Om Shanti Om,
Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
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