Today I had one of those longgg in a previous post I had told about me being a Co-ordinator for Chaos Moksha, the IIM-A cult fest. So, today we had two of our games spanning some 5 hours, and it was awesomm fun, but very tuff on my poor legs !! Standing for so long and running around and collecting sheets can make you go from 96 kgs to 66 in no time :P, believe me :))...but overall it was a great experience, compereing, executing and ironing out mistakes..Was real fun :D.
For the games naa, I had to do write-ups [damn my team-members :P] for all the 6 games in my cell and they are the corniest I have ever written :) sharing them for your amusement :D.
Online Game - Baazigar
Ever since the dawn of civilization, the one consuming thought for all humanity has been to predict the uncertain, to unravel the unknown. Team Chaos brings to you “Baazigar”, an online betting game to whet your senses for the wish to guess the unknown, beat destiny at its own game.
Ranging from Cricket to Politics, Baazigar gives you the perfect opportunity to unleash the gambler inside you without actually having to pay out any money and a chance to pocket a cool .5 K, if you are best at being a Baazigar than one and all.
Baazigar™ : Joh haar ke bhi aakhiri baazi jeet leta hai, usse Baazigar kehte hain.
See you at
[Inspired by the Betting Market :)]
Game 1 : Mr. Bond(s) comes to Town [Yeah :), a direct rip from Ek Ajnabee's tagline !]
One of the key and most sought after traits today is being a Team Player, the ability to gel, bind and deliver. And the situation only becomes that much more harder when you don’t know friend from enemy. But, if you still think you are good at Teaming up, here is your chance to seek, sort, build a 007 team from scratch, crack the mystery and laugh your way all the way to the bank :).
[Inspired by the Old style On-the-floor trading and Negotiation stategies :)]
Game 2 : Catch me if you Can
Information – the driving force of today’s age, the weapon with no presence, the sword with no blade. But, what do you do when you have no wood over your opponent; the quintessential Game Theoretic Dilemma. Seek or Run, it is your luck, but the distance you go is your verve, your resolve.
[Inspired purely by Game Theoretic Models !]
Game 3 : Bluffmaster
As players of poker would tell you, to bluff is an Art, but to catch a bluff flat out is a skill reserved for the highest echelons, the eclectic Bluffmasters. Are you one of that select breed, the ultimate con, the blind-folded deceiver. Find out and then some more at BLUFFMASTER, yeah, its Right Here, right now :).
[Nothing per se, bas plain quiz kerne ka Mann nahin tha :)]
Game 4 : Ek aur ek Gyarah
Throughout human history, there have been enough portents to the contrary logic of 1+1 being 11, rather than the normal, handyman 2. And now you have that chance to make it happen right here, right now. Mix and match the coins you have by trading them with other people, negotiating, persuading, cajoling your way through faces unknown straight to the top of the leaderboard, and pocket cool prizes in return :).
[Another random sorts :)]
Game 5 : Munnabhai MBA [designed a logo for this one :)]
Fuelled by his MBBS heroics, Munnabhai comes to WIMWI (Well known Institute of Management in Western India), for his MBA. But unfortunately, he runs into Management Guru Showman Irani and now he has to make a presentation for his Spoken Business Communication course. As usual, the confused Circuit, with considerable help from the new-fangled Short Circuit, jugadofies a bunch of slides for the bhai. Now it’s up to apna Bhai and Mr. Circuit to save the lore of Munnabhai…….
[Focussed on spontaneity and thinking on ya feet :)]
Game 6 : Masters of the Universe
Year – 1662... Place - Europe.
Four nations growing in military might, thirst for wealth and seek new battlefields to wage wars against each other. Join Spain, France, Portugal or England as they send out armies in a bid to conquer the world and each other. Who shall emerge victor? On whose kingdom shall the sun never set? Grab this chance to rewrite the tomes of history as you play Colonial Masters …
[Inspired by classical Hopscotch, its mostly an informal game :)]
Have a game tommorrow, and three on Sunday :), wish me luck :D
Cya Arnd !
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