Okay, while writing a nice travelogue, I did something pretty crappy which upended me midway through the feel-good post and now I am soo low, I have to crib and crib and crib, but since I have no Agony Aunts so yet again, its U :), I turn to, thanx for this avenue of sorts :).

Well, my criminal offence was to violate one of the most basic tenets as illustrated in my survival kit...two of my verry old pals are in a Dental College in Patna, and trust me, dat college attracts max NRI kudis, and these two duffers, true to their ossum nature :), had made gfs faster than they got admitted to that college :). Now, previously I had escaped the "opportunity" of a luncheon with the gifted couples by taking a raincheck on the premises of busy schedules and smallu holidays, but this time it was not to be. After some verry sento fone calls, finally we chose a restaurant-cum-bar uptown place called Mamta. So day before my dad dropped me off in this complex at 1 pm and from there I moved onto the restaurant. I caught up with these folks outside the restaurant and suddenly sensed we were alone and was about to thank my stars but for these two dames appearing out of nowhere with a beeg "Hi" and I knew Ranjan Singh, ur time is up.

So, we went inside, ordered food, and as is with most such outings, the two couples cosied together leaving poor me to make the effort of having a conversation go around. And lo ! these folks were master-drinkers as well...so as the booze flowed, so did the "tempo" of love go up and by the time we were thru, I knew many details I wish like hell I dint know, but woh Godji hain naa bas ! Anyways, violating the tenet comes with a huge cost, and the eternal craving of having a "gf" and all dat came back, spoiling the whole enthu built up over the past few days of travelling and being "independent" finally !

I dunno, but prolly as someone commented on my blog, I come across as pretty manipulative. And end up pushing everyone away I come close to, U wouldnt believe me, yesterday as I was already max low, I was compiling a list of ppl. I had grown to like and then let drift away and the staggering number just came as a kick in the gut, with the realization of the sad, stupid guy I am. One of the reasons I was happy to leave behind my studies was the happiness garnered out of the fact that I will never have to attend couple parties if I dint wish to, and I would be able to work 24/7/365 closing all other avenues of thought, not bothered about femmes, gf and all that stuff. But, as fate would have it, these things come back and haunt me :( and then some more. How I wish I could work myself to death, not have time to check Yahoo or orkut or attend a call, cut myself from everyone I know, just work, work and work, hehe I guess, I am a boss's dream-man, and with no exceptions none of my previous bosses ever wanted me to go :D. But then work is starting on 15th june, Uff..till then I have to live with this devil's workshop trying to stay away from this vicious circle and getting more entangled in it in the process. uhh, I know I sound like crap, sorry :((...
If you hate me, trust me, U couldnt see me in worser shape :), so donn waste your breath cursing me, and if u are a frnd, hope BCG ante dates the joining date, and calls me to join tomm :)...

Sorry if you read this post all this way down, I guess I wasted lots of your time :(

Bye ...

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Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
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