But, then why ho-hum ? Well, because besides SRK a good movie needs a soul, a story. And here is where Farhan fails miserably. A wee-bit under 3 hours, by the time the movie ended, almost everyone in the theatre was ready to get out, prepared never to come back. The action shots are too long and though stylish, slick, Hulk / Kill-Bill / Con Air / Point Zero inspired they maybe, too much of everything is soporific. If the movie was only 30-45 minutes shorter...but, good things don't happen a lot, do they. But, to the credit of Farhan, he has a real sting in the tail in terms of the climax, and those final five minutes almost redeems him for what he had done to my senses for three hours. Suddenly all those three hours seemed to add up trying to make a mockey of the movie itself, so that those 5 minutes could shock the audience out of their skin. But, as I said, it came a bit too-late like England's spin bowling off-late in one-dayers :P.
So, is it watchable ? For the 1st time, I will have to say, I don't know. I want to tell you to watch it for those final 5 minutes, but I don't know if it is humane to ask you to subject yourself to the nincompoop stuff that goes before it. So, take your pick and have fun :-).
Happy Diwali and tk care !
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