Heylo !

Have been trying to write from a long time now, but somehow, somehow it does not happen (ain't that the stroy with all of us :-) ?) - But then Taare Zameen Pe inspires and the least I could do was write about it !

I read on Rediff how Amir would be very hurt if TZP doesn't do well but thankfully he needs not worry, for all its "considered escapist" flaws, TZP heralds the onset of a tremendously-skilled director with that most-important element, knowing the audience ki nabz - its a fortress of a few, and thankfully Amir adds himself emphatically to that eclectic echleon.

TZP is minimallistically a story of redemption, of deliverance of a specially-gifted child from the clutches of cliche-ridden "topper-fanatic" society (wow ! that sounded like ossum :P) from obviously the differently-abled Amirrr (what does that mean ? - watch the movie, I hate piracy :P) - but on a serious note, TZP is a multi-layered film questioning multiple paramters of human existence, even forcing the existential question - What exactly is normal ? Just because a large group of people laid out alphanumerics - understanding them begets normal ? I don't know - but it goes back to the age-old adage of all of us school products being carbon copies of each other, rolled out year-after-year, per rote.

But, letting the subliminal be, on a superficial level, this movie highlights how dependent a child is on its parents - while that can be a great thing if the parents turn out to be the The Great Indian Family variety, but it can be a disaster if they can't understand the child, misinterpret her at every nook and put him down at every corner. Amir, you touched a chord here, blessed are those who were understood by their parents when it was most needed :), most warranted.

Anyways, nostalgia trips aside, TZP is clean, thoughtful, subtle entertainment in the age of SLB Sa-sa vanity :). Thanks Mr. Khan, as I would say, till next time, Adios !


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