A slow weekendish evening can make you contemplate about life in ways incomprehensible to mere mortals, a ruse which can be dark and haunting. Today was one such evening for me :). And, as my thoughts ran amok, I tried gathering my What-if moments, the remnants of those precious pieces of time, which could have been so much more, but died a choking, obfuscated death, reasons for which don't give to unravelling even now. So, here is a small summary of such small-small events [some I din't have guts to put here, maybe another such evening would open those greyed vaccuum patches as well :)]..

A. This happened like 2 years ago :). I was in Patna, and as usual, being the ultimate back-seat peddler, was pillion-riding my friend's Pulsaaar (now that's how it should be called nahin :D ?)...And we had stopped at a redlight, on one of the busiest streets in town. And, then it happened. On the other side of the crossroad, I saw her [ohh and you really thought, I was not gonna be shallow this one time, nahin :P ?]...now I am a total sell-out for femmes dressed in white shirts and denims, and there she was, a total my-types bombshell piggy-riding on her friend's scootie ! And then fate turned its knife, she looked in my direction, and for two full minutes [or that's how long the signal seemed Red to me] we were totally eye-locked. And then, the signal turned green, and our respective gaddis ran, and we kept looking at each other till my head said complained of my not being elastic enough. And, like that, she was gone. And I remembahh her face even now, and all I can think is...What, what if I had dropped off the bike and went up and said hi to her, but then my stupid ego, doesnt let me do that, and I end up penning a What If post !

B. I sincerely believe I can spin any situation around in 10 minutes. Just gimme 10 full minutes before taking a decision, and I believe, I can solve any issue. I know it sounds arrogant, but that's how it is. But, now and then, life slaps me back with a situation which goes abegging, 10 minutes or no 10 minutes. This happened in my 1st year at IIM-A. As it happened, I knew this femme from pagalguy.com, during my CAT preps. She went to IIM-I and yours truly to A . And, then one fine day, on another such contemplative evening, I just called her up (and attribute it to my charms :P), in a few days, we were speaking regularly, all the time (and mind it, this was in the time of very costly mobile telephony and I was still a student types :P)..but there was a teething problem, she came from a verrry conservative background, and could never come to terms with an online relationship, and then some slime told her that I sleep with women, and when she told me this, I actually asked her, Kaun, kaun, jaldi batao, am missing my count !!, but she nevvah skipped a beat, she just rattled on. How I missed those 10 minutes, if she had only given them to me without being judgemental. And I still think, What if I had those 10 minutes, you know :).

C. And, this one is plagiarised from one of my friends, who is happily married now :). Now, this friend of mine used to date Minisha Lamba (yes, yes the grrl in Anthony Kaun Hai) when he was in 12th (they were both from the same school). But then, she used to be thoda-sa plump grrl, and he ditched her for greener pastures :P. Now, she has made it a point to make him realize his mistake almost every week through the newspapers and all that is left is What-if :P ?

And then there are some more, but I will add-on like later :). Lemme know, what have been your what-if moments :) ?

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Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
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