Heylo :),

Do you smile a lot ? And hence, Kya Aap Dabur Dant Manjan se Daant dhote hain ? (In the typical dragged style of the dragged Close-up ad :-) ? Hehe, coming back to point, its amazing how a smile can light up your 0-watt mood to a 1000-watt flicker, am sure you have experienced it.

Coming more to the point (Ohh, I will never be any less bombastic, trust me :P), Yesterday was kind of a bad day for me, one of those, which would have in an earlier life, plunged me into hours of darkness, depression and self-pity. I had a couple of fights (almost break-ups, just that I don't know what love is :-)), and in general, work mein bhi thoda sa issue types, aur and meri Car ne bhi dhoka diya mere koh (ferr two consecutive days, it din't start in the morning, apparently some Heater plug and pump had gone phut !!!), bas toh fir my mood had gone for a toss, and even the dinner I had was crappy types.

Anyways, as you know :), when I am down, I run towards work, because it stops me from thinking. So early morning haan, like 8 AM I drove to work (car dint give dhoka this time :)), and reached at 8:20 types, but my luck struck again. The key to office that I had was not working (I know this they do in movies to ppl. who are given the pink slip, but thankfully I was admitted 20 mins. latah !), so I tried making sense of Mr. Chidambaram's Taxation policy 4m Mint and also was pleasantly surprised to see some news on my last assignment at BCG :). Anyways, the day went so-so types, and as my current project is running out of Germany, I get to leave at 5.30ish types.

Now, the moment. As I was 3/4ths to home, I noticed this Maruti van ahead of me, and a smallu golu-molu peeking at me (I hope that was a she :P, and mebbe like 3-4 years old, well I am bad at estimating ages, that prolly explains my penchant for femmes older than me :P), and she smiled. And, then it happened :)..that beautiful smile just took away all my worries, and it was as if, World was suddenly a beautiful place again ! And, so I drove eye-locked with her, almost to my home, and then her Maruti stopped and I slowly drove past her, her eyes still following me till they could (and it was then I realized, she was actually looking at me all the time, welll that's what I wanna believe atleast :-)).

Moments like these are to be treasured, and hence I put them on my Blog, the trove afterall :P

Talk to you :)

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