Heyloji :-),

Umm, its another one of those drag moments in a consultant's life when he is supposed to be trained (and that too we have a
Communications workshop, OMG :-)), and since the training starts at 9 AM, am here at 8:37 pottering my words aroundz.

So, coming back to the quintessential question, have any of you noticed the new Mahindra-Renault Logan on the roads in Mumbai or Delhi ? I have seen them in showrooms (and was even test-driven in one at the Nariman Point Mahindra), but have checked around and nobody seems to know if it has been on the roads ! Infact, it was slated to be delivered to customers on Apr 14th, but I dunno, something surely is amiss.

Now, Why am I interested in this :) ? Good Question ! As all of you would know, Child Exploitation is banned by Indian Law, but is still actively practiced in multiple pockets in my country, and so is my tale *sighs*. So, in a clear case of hierarchy, as soon as I got onto the job, my dad in all his benevolent glory did not miss a beat in passing on his 2004-Indica onto me and verry unselfishly chose to ride on his age-old Fiat on Patna roads (yes, yes Fiat still runs in Tier-II and III cities as a private vehicle !), but I knew he was onto something for sure. A month passes by and the monstrous plans are unrolled. There are plans to buy a larger car like an Accent or a Fiesta mebbe, and it was to happen now and hence the Indica facade !!!. But, economy-conscious that my father is (it comes from living in Bihar, that too in the '70-'80s, its amazing how that decade has been the key creator of Gen gap between us and our parents), he easily fell for the Logan's cost-effectiveness, fuel economy and supposedly big-car looks. Sooo u know, unless a review of Logan comes out, my Dad is not gonna take a decision and till then I can't file a court case right :P ? So, if any of you have heard about how is Logan doing, plz comment and help a fellow brethren stand against injustice and all that :D.

Taz !


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Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
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