Heyloz !!
Its 2 AM in the night, and I am just back from watching the 10.45 PM show of Namastey London, which has been playing around ferr quite sometime, but I had just not taken a liking for the movie somehow. But, today went we did post-dinner, and some barnstorm it was :-).
Namaste London is the second venture of Vipul Amrutlal Shah, the Aankhein guy, and let me state it upfront, he has got it right on dot. Its an ultra-light feel-good mushy movie, even full of cliches, but it will keep you in splits and engrossed that you let the cliches passby indulgingly, waiting for the next barrage of humor.
You know when Akki has not been on-screen for the 1st 20 minutes types (except for a brief flashback), you know either its a disaster or Mr. Rockstar is going to really knock you over. And thankfully, we all know by now, which one it was. Akshay swaggers onto the screen in his inimitable, suave style and we are off on the ossum journey called Namastey London. Ms. Kat, though, her usual wooden self is just so breathtakingly beautiful, you don't begrudge one minute of her role, forget acting !!!! Ably supported by a support cast led by Rishi Kapoor, Namaste London has almost everything going for it. And Himmesh is at it once again, more than the usual hummable songs, the background score is a treat, the James Horner brand of enriching, lifting music, which makes you pine for more and then some more.
Produced by Adlabs, Namaste London encompasses whatever is good with the new multiplex culture which is slowly moving Indian cinema stylising to World-class standards. Trust me, Namaste London's cinematography is worthy of being used fully in any English movie worth its salt, thankfully, it is becoming the usual norm, bar one or two croppers which rear their head from time to time.
But, after all of this, I read Adlabs today broke the 6-movie deal they had done with Akki which given Akki's current form is simply a stupid move. He can simply sleepwalk into any character, and I mean, any, and carry it off with as much elan as any of his peers. Period.
So, wherever you are, just take a break and watch Namaste London. You would walk out heppy, trust me :-).
Tata and Good nite !
P.S. Did you hear Hey Shona from Tara Rum Pum ? I just can't get over it :-).
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