Heylo :),

So I am back, am I :-), dunno really, but I really wanted to start off with one of my movie reviews but somehow that doesn't sound interesting enough (let me watch Partner, the desi-Hitch and see if I would wanna write about it).

Well on the personal front, life has been frenetic, hectic and I still love it, because everyday something new happens to me which tells me, you are more alive than anything else that is walking the planet right now, and that keeps the ship sailing, and I do hope this is true for all of you :-), everyone breathes, but few live, hai na ?

Coming back to the post itself, I was debating with a friend of mine on the "randomness" of a random variable, in the context of state machines. Now, as all of us know, the computer-generated "random" variable (rand() or random()), is not really random enough, it is just a pseudo-random variable generated by a huge seed, the humongousness of which leads to non-detection of the overarching envelope which leads to the apparent illusion of the variable being really "random". But, the truth is, unless and until somebody has an Artificially Intelligent process, the "randomness" will always be a myth, because every man-made process has a deterministic output which kills the randomness. But, coming back to humans itself, we tend to believe our "choices" are completely random, as in if you take any decent subset of human populace and make them go through repetitively through "n" number of choices for a question, you would end up getting a random variable by taking a weighted average of the outputs.

But, here is the key question..are the choices really random ? Isn't there a bias in every human being, formed by Geographical and Social constructs, and if you admit there is a bias, then the output can't be random :), because sadly biases are not random. And that brings me to my ultimate conclusion, even human choices are not i.i.d, they might be independent but they are not identically distributed :-). Let me know your views, would be fun to have this discussion.

Till next time around,
Adios Ababa,

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Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
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