Storywise, its not path-breaking but the difference is the treatment [as the cliche goes] - Imtiaz Ali puts in a lot of heart behind this tale of Love renounced and reunited and it shows. Shahid finally steps out of his self-drawn SRK shadow and puts his innocent looks to very good use. And Kareena, is a revelation - trodding the thin line between being believable and hamming, she does tremendous justice to her character of ultra-bubbly and cup-brimming girl. But, the one which ups the ante is the cackling chemistry between the lead pair, each time they disappear from the screen, you want some more and that's when they make the cut. And even with Mauja hi Mauja coming only post-credits, the music holds its own and that is saying a lot, trust me, with today's one-song wonders.
The only grouch was if they had cast somebody more rootable like Aby's Baby as the antagonist - that would have made the story much more poignant and climactic - but then, you can not always get the moon :), can you ?
So, do watch it - and trust me, its worth watching this one over OSO and Sa-sa-sawariya combined :).
Till next time !
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