It was 4 AM or maybe 3 ... Pushpa as always had no clue and probably would never have ever again. As always, since Bubba broke the Rs. 20 watch which had fallen their way in times of blessed fortune from the hands of Guddu Baba, it had always been dark when she had woken up, darker when she had slept and bleaker when she had woken up. Guddu Baba was the kid in her last assignment as a domestic help, who had finally outgrown the 20 bucks-a-watch his mom gifted him when he was five, and somehow it found its way to Pushpa through her gracious employer. Come to think of it, she had always been a domestic help, first in her own house, then in her Grandma's, after her father killed himself in a brawl and finally graduating to the wraith-of-a-breadwinner in her married life. But, now she had "graduated" to being a construction-site worker. Housedust replaced by white, coughing concrete dust, cleaning instructions replaced by constant dhrum-dhrum of the rotating top with that huge wide-open mouth. Though she had been racked with coughs since the past 5 weeks, atleast the pay was better, enough to feed both Bubba and Bani after the wreckage rendered every night by the monster which shared her bed. First came the Rs. 10 booze, then came the red-hot beating and finally the violations in bed, which were the unapologetic substitutes for post-marital sex. And then the dreamless sleep before the darkness woke her up again. Strange, but when things go bump in the night, she felt the most comfortable, atleast her life did not stare her directly in the face, it was dark and hence unseen, like death.

Basic ablutions over, her work sari (or maybe cloth) wrapped around her with semblance ofa a threadbare shawl on top, Pushpa stepped out into the darkness. There was quite a distance to cover, first the sprawling skyscrapers (Who lives there ? Are they gods ? Even Guddu Baba's house was only three-storeyed), then the bushes, then the 5-min stretch of the new-fangled Highway where cars screeched obscenely day-in, day-out -- they made her afraid but getting to the construction site and getting paid was important, maybe the only thing that mattered. And it was January, crackling winter made the foot leaden and progress very slow - hopefully she would not be late today, losing 5 rupees over her 100 rupee-a-day salary was very costly. Tchh, that thorn hurt, but its only a small prick and the Highway is almost there. And so is the fog, today it is intense, a hand cannot find another, hopefully nobody would be driving today. Oh, it is here, the ramparts are here. No horns, no cars, Running and Crossing will be fine. 1st foot, 2nd foot, 3rd ... 4th ... 10th..oh the divider is here. Is anybody standing there, no only a lamppost. Again, no sounds, just the sheesh-shush of the fog. 1st step...2nd...3rd...4th...what's that sound, chreee---cheeeiiiinnnn --- Thump -- the pain ... Ahhhhh...Arrggghhhh, and then the numbness...but no ! Oh my god, something went through the stomach...nothing is visible ... its blinding pain ... much more than the beatings...calmness...Bubba, will they live ?...And then darkness, bleakness...Beep, beep, beep, beep .............................

Last week, five vehicles ran over a construction worker on NH-8 Gurgaon in the fog, the body was mangled beyond recognition - it could well be a dog, except for the red and yellow slush spread wide across the highway. I felt numbness inside as I witnessed it on my way to work, beep...beep...beep...............

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Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
Who Am I ? Spiderman :), Oh so not !
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