Hell, I am back :) - and isn't that the tuffest thing to do ! I so envy guys like Dan B, Stephanie M and even our dear domestic Champu, Mr. Bhagat (btw, did you read the 2 States - does it hold up ?). Its so amazing to put-off writing at a moment's notice, distracted by either HBO, Roald Dahl, Work (did you think Consultants ever have it easy.com ?) and even Made of Honor on Star Movies - Gosh, I know right ! I can imagine why Twitter is such a hoot, snapping away 140 chars before the dark clouds of digression can take your attention away. So, after putting away all those alluring diztractions aside, grabbing a cup of my fav self-made elaichi tea (well, yeah ! I can make that one - to-be biwi, please take note :-)), I go for the jugular here (in this case, mine !).

Well, one of my all-time favourites has been the 'dusky dusk walk' - while dawns are a great time to reminiscence, dusks are the best brood-pots ever. When I was like thoda-sa small, I and Hem (a chaddi-buddy of mine) used to wander the ossumly shallow-lit Patna roads talking in our small, our worldly ways, dreaming, debating, agreeing, cribbing, accusing but always effortlessly. Those two hours were like a permanent fixture going through the same paths differently everyday, talking till the cows came home and slept. Shops were never an attraction, those neon-lighted monsters disturbing the tea-trance peace of our small, growing world. And then we grew up and screwed up those walks for my current version of the world - Consultancy and adulthood. But, then days like today come along and give you perspective.

On my 3-day long diwali weekend, I chose to spend Diwali with my prospective family (well yes, work again had a big hand in spoiling my Patna plans, but no regrets there). So, today was a slow lazy day and as 530 PM descended I decided to go on a 1-hour kind of walk, a hark back to lost days of ignorance (Wow :P). And, there I went, thinking the whole Enchilada from A-Z as below in no serialized order:
- Ohh, too many cars passing, can I duck into a lane more quiet and peaceful - its amazing how you try to find your roots everywhere you go !
- Will I be able to blog about the walk ? Will it be kool to read ?
- Who's that person walking with me with a chat-chat sound - too plasticky - who is it ?
- Counting the cars - is that a Jazz -nopes more like a Getz, that's boxy and shiny - a new Ritz, ah-hem, ohh that's a BMW - wow !
- Season of marriages - my old-time blogger frndie Ms. Misra available at The Smiley Blog is also getting married - best wishes to her :)
- What's the twitter equivalent of the dusky walk - well, the T20 version for sure is Treadmilling no :) (Btw, have you watched T&T play - Caribbean swagger revamped, no ?)
- When will my to-be biwi let me buy a Honda Jazz ?
- Why does Chuttiz have to end and work has to start, shucks !
- Is IPOD Nano 16 GB worth its price-tag of 10k especially with the competition around ?
- Should I do some work tonight :P ?

Well, while the list could go on - my attention span lowers exponentially. So, till the next inspiration strikes - and yes, do go for the walk.

Take care,

View comments

  1. Nice to see you back after quite a long time back :-)

    Ya, lone walks give us perspective too :D

  2. It's wintry evenings already?
    You get such little times to random-think?

  3. I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^

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