Today got a call from a friend who has got this interview for a Product Manager position at Google and wanted to discuss a set of questions that Google guys had given him in advance to ponder and think about. The questions were the run-of-the-mill kinda around competitive strategy, improvements etc. but one theme stood out - What is next for Google ? How are we gotta stay big and stay the best ?

So, I got into this long discussion with my friend and came up with a few ideas off-the-cuff. And, as somebody who really respects and looks up to Google (most times for sure :-), except when they are not trying to copy / play catch-up), I thought I should pen these down and who knows, they might listen, copyright free :-).

What is Google's biggest problem, really ? According to me, it is the fact that their core product - the supremo search engine (>80% of their revenues) doesn't have a 'customer lock-in', the day some Zuckerberg invents a better algorithm, Google is dead - unlike Apple and Microsoft, courtesy their iOS and Windows ecosystem. To stay relevant with its current biz model, Google has to constantly stay at the top of search innovation - and law of sizes say that once a company / product grows large, it competes by volumes and 'being stable' rather than being an innovator - in my experience their have been only a few exceptions, not sure if Google can be one, given the imperatives from its recent reversals in the Social networking and OS space.

So, what are the opportunities for Google ? Here's my take:

1) Looking at the online space,
  • I think Gmail is the market leader today but it still has some catching up to do, it has only 200 mn subs compared to 500 mn Facebookers. Mebbe, its time they started focussing on Enterprise seriously and become the RIM of Enterprise mail. Just look at what the Bharti-IBM deal did for IT outsourcing, Google gets one big firm to outsource its mail, they are a done deal.
  • In the social networking space, first up, Google should simply kill Orkut, its no point fighting Facebook, they are to Socializing what Google is to search, period. The opportunity really lies in creating a simple, secure and reliable marketplace which allows everyday shoppers to bring their physical shopping experience online and get hooked due to the obvious convenience angle. Today, atleast on India, online shopping, mainly Ebay :P is limited to WYSIWYG goods like Books, branded electronics, tickets but verry few (me being one of them) ever buy experiential goods like Clothes, food items et al. How can Google intervene in this space - how can it create a strong offline experience to support the online structure (small test kiosks ? tie-ups with existing retail players ?); how can it use its email network to create credibility around products (say I want to buy a phone - if I can clarify my doubts about the phone with my friends - I am more likely to buy it no ?)
2) Is there an opportunity for Google in the OS space through Chrome? I would think so, especially if it can create a wholesome ecosystem experience around the PC, Mobile, tablet and other future devices :-) - something which Microsoft summarily failed at (Its amazing na, how a market leader by miles can even miss a few tricks !). Its very important that Google marries Chrome with Android and ensures a seamless user experience across its devices - come to think of it, Google Voice can be a key hinge of this ecosystem. But, Google shouldn't try to create a "closed" loop system, it has to realize other OSes will continue to thrive and it will be useful to support the other OSes rather than let 3rd party vendors do a sub-optimal job.

3) In the physical space, I think Google needs to worry about creating a lock-in product, even go macro and think about evolving into a Telecommunications giant (feasible ? I dunno) but a "branded" mobile here and a netbook there aren't going to do - you need to get atleast one physical niche product right.

Finally :), a bit of selfish requests, but here are a few changes I would love to see in the Google space:

1) Create feasible Mobile Apps for all their sites across all Operating systems - currently Blogger and Reader are glaring misses on both Blackberry and iOS platforms. It is kind of frustrating to buy third-party apps to do what should come naturally in-built into the system.

2) Currently in Google Reader, it will be kool to have a Google Alert kinda feature which emails selected RSS feeds as they are updated - Push is the way to go, aint it :-) ?

With that, I rest my case !

Have fun !

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