
I am getting my iPad delivered soon (more about that later) - so before I get all taken by that ossum device, I wanted to take a minute to list down some of the apps I have got on my BB curve 8310, somehow making my lot with the woefully small 64 MB ROM (BB doesnt allow you to install apps on the memory card - some security crap - and you know everything is fair when it comes to security :P, especially when you have the Americans in picture).

Anyways, here are the apps which keep me going currently (please let me know if you know more cooler ones):

1) Latest firmware: If you are the types who has just bought a curve and never fiddled around with it, sooner or later BB is gonna pull the plug on its 83xx range what with the recent launch of low-end  8910 and impending launch of 9300 - and hence get the latest firmware v4.5.0.302. It fixes a lot of bugs and gives you speed, which I think all of can do with pretty well ! And while we are at firmware, please do yourself a favor and change the Options -> Advanced Options -> Browser -> Default Browser Configuration to "Internet Browser" from the default "Blackberry Browser", or else most likely the ossum BES admin of your firm would have set the Blackberry Browser's cache limit and you will keep getting errors and blaming poor BB for it (its not that bad afterall :P).

2) Blackberry Appworld: Before one installs anything, it is pertinent to get Blackberry's iStore, the Appworld ! They are onto something here, hope they keep their act together. Get it for free, obviously :).

2) Google maps: Since you already own a GPS-ed device, please do yourself justice and get Google maps (latest version please ! - just browse Google from your phone and choose the maps tab) - it was fantastic and now with the added "layers" feature - it is mindbogglingly Ironman-ish, heh :P. And, for the geographically challenged brethren out there, a must have, you will never have to embarrassingly ask for directions again (mostly, but in India you never know !).

3) Blackberry messenger v5.0: This is a free upgrade to the ever faithful messenger and its ossum, go grab it - you will find the free upgrade icon already on your phone. Or get it here.

4) Whatsapp messenger: For the 1st time, some brainiac has invested time in making a push messenger across smartphone platforms - its like BB Messenger for iPhones and Blackberries (they had Symbian (Nokia) plans - but with MeeGo as the new White Knight OS for Nokia Smartphones, I guess they are better off looking at Android) - so if you have frnds on iPhone, makes it worth the 100 bucks you will spend on it. 30-day free trial available here. The free Kik messenger also looks promising, but its restricted to US and Canada - can you believe that, really ! ?

5) Opera Mini v5: Now, this freebie only comes next to Google maps, but only just next. Everything about it is beautiful and apparently it minimizes data usage, talk about quality with economy. Get it here :)

6) Google Talk: Again, nothing to say which has already been not said - just get it. Get it here.

7) Viigo India RSS reader: Probably the best free RSS reader on the curve. Try it here.

8) Ubertwitter: In my view, the best-supported and free twitter client for blackberry (even better than the original). Even Shashi Tharoor and Sachin Tendulkar use this, sorry that doesnt make it any more useful, does it :) ? Try it here.

9) Chronograph: My most loyal stopwatch over my BB years. OTA @here.

10) Beam file explorer: Creates a windows explorer for your BB on-device and SD card memory for free ! Here.

11) Facebook for Blackberry: Though the actual interface continues to be yawn-inducing, it converts your facebook updates into push messages, which is always pretty ossum. Free and here.

12) SMSContact and "Forward, Reply & Edit": The fellows at Bberryapp have finally solved two of BB's eternal unsmart mysteries for free - 1) Why could you not forward contacts as SMS like Nokia et al ? Here. 2) Why could you not "edit" and forward, reply to emails ? Solved again, here.

13) berrysnooper: Probably not the best, but after I lost my last 8310 curve, I got a bit hasty and installed this one as a jiffy. This one tracks your phone and saves you once it gets lost. Let me know if you find something better for ~500 INR, here.

14) Mobipocketreader: One of the better e-book reading clients - can also import non-copyrighted .pdfs (you get the hang, dont you :) ?). Also, syncs easily between the PC and Blackberry. Here.

15) Add to Contact: Another one of BB's eternal mysteries solved. Add contacts to phonebook directly from phonelogs / emails - even to existing contacts, no copy-paste business anymore, sir. It will set you back by 150 rs., but I guess its worth it. Trial available here.

16) LastPass: Are you one of those clumsy, forgetful types (aka me) who struggle everyday juggling online passwords, credit card nos. etc.? If yes, this one is a must have for you. Sets you back by 50 bucks / month - but you get OTA sync between mobile, PC, iPad etc. etc. Totally spot-on !

17) Free games: Though I am not much of a gamer, and that too on the curve :), I have found two free ones which are pretty addictive. Ka-Glom, an enhanced Tetris game and Blocked Traffic, a kool puzzle game (on the lines of the famous Unblock me on iPhone).

18) And last, but not the least - my first Blackberry theme - the Norcross, read about it and download here. I waited till the end to write about it, so chalta hai na yaar :). And it has to be free, so it is :P.

Let me know what apps do you use ?


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